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About Me

So, what do you want to know? That I am a woman of "a certain age" embarking on a voyage of a lifetime, returning to the land where I was born and spent most of my early years until puberty? That my father's parents met in Madagascar as young, single missionaries? That they got married and raised their family in Madagascar? That my father, a pastor and administrator and teacher, returned to Madagascar as a young man, married to my mother, an Iowa farm girl with an RN degree? That we left the Red Island in 1967 to return to my mother's homeland? That the only country I have called home since is the soul of my loved ones and the God who made them?

the Braaten-Lee Family

Too many questions, I know. Now for a few answers. I am the daughter of Hazel and Arndt F. Braaten, and the sister of Linda Zawack, Evangeline Braaten, and Arndt B. Braaten. I am the wife of Arland W. Braaten-Lee, and the mother of sons Caleb, Gabriel, and Jesse. All with the last name of Braaten-Lee. And we have one grand-boy, Kieran. Though I am not always good at showing how deeply I love them, I do. Bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh, indeed.

So what do I do, to make a living? I am a former teacher of French and English, and I am now a pastor-chaplain in Northfield, MN. It may be of interest to you to know that it was in Madagascar that I formed my attachment to elders. It is, in this, my last pastoral call, that I find great satisfaction in ministry to elders. Thanks for listening! ~Kristine Anne Braaten-Lee

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Salama tompoko! Akory hianao?

I, Kristine Braaten-Lee, was born on the island of Madagascar, and have been wandering ever since. I created this blog, Madagasikara Soa, with the help of my Madagascar friend, Julie Bonde, in order to share my thoughts and feelings while wandering and wondering through life on this planet. Please enjoy wandering through my blog, and share your thoughts with me and others.

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