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Madagascar Map

Like my father, I am a zanatany. I was born in Madagascar in January of 1956, in the Catholic Hospital in the capital city of Antananarivo. I was to have been born in March, down near the southern tip of the island. But my mother's nearly fatal hemorrhaging made for a quick ascent from Fort Dauphin (now, Tolagnaro) in a DC-3 plane to the airport of the capital city.

The pain-killers used for the C-section did not take, so my mother sang hymns to survive the pain of giving birth to me. The medical folks told my dad that my mother had 50% chance of survival, and I had none. Even so, here I am. My mom made it through, too. Miraculously, one might say.


My memories of Madagascar are "impressionistic"--for the most part. Not clearly defined. Some things are vivid, and some are true. Others are influenced by the passage of time and the stories of others.


I suppose that over the years I developed a need to put behind me a place and a people that I thought I would never see again. It seems easier, you know, that way. But thanks to the generosity of a missionary elder, I was provided with the means to make this educational journey and spiritual pilgrimage. This odyssey of remembrance. Also, my continuing education provision as a pastor-chaplain of the ELCA employed by Northfield Retirement Community helped enable me to go.


Thank you to all who made this possible. Blessings of the Most High!

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Salama tompoko! Akory hianao?

I, Kristine Braaten-Lee, was born on the island of Madagascar, and have been wandering ever since. I created this blog, Madagasikara Soa, with the help of my Madagascar friend, Julie Bonde, in order to share my thoughts and feelings while wandering and wondering through life on this planet. Please enjoy wandering through my blog, and share your thoughts with me and others.

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